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2020-09-22 11:51:01  746次浏览 次浏览
价 格:74512




造雪机 (86).jpg造雪机相信大家D陌生,可以说在冰雪行业中有它的一席之地。想要滑雪场提前经营选择一台硬件造雪设备是关键。下面我们来分析下人工造雪机在哪种条件下出雪效果好? 1.造雪条件:预先观察天气,在温度DzeroJ开启造雪模式,但Dzero4.5度则不考虑外界因素。 2.造雪前准备:造雪机在运行时为Q水管到喷嘴的环节中部件畅通,建议造雪前先试机或检查。3.湿度条件:湿度太大造雪机也是不能出雪的,S观看天气预报,遇到下雪天气就选择与造雪时间避开。 4.造雪工作完成后,需要合理存放造雪机,小心调运,选择干燥仓库存放,以备下次补雪工作。 以上四点就是我们在造雪过程中需要注意的,这样操作造雪效果也会使我们自己G满意。

造雪机 (78).jpgUnder what conditions does the funa machine have a good snow output effect? Snowmaker is no stranger to everyone. It can be said that it has a place in the ice and snow industry. It is the key to choose a hardware snow-making equipment if you want the ski resort to operate in advance. Let's analyze under which conditions the funa machine has a good snow output effect. 1. snow-making conditions: observe the weather in advance, and start the snow-making mode from temperature d to zero degree j, but do not consider external factors at 4.5 degrees from d to zero. 2. Preparation before snowmaking: When the snowmobile is in operation, the components in the link from Q water-retaining pipe to nozzle are unblocked, so it is recommended to test or check the snowmobile before snowmaking.

造雪机 (77).jpg3. Humidity condition: If the humidity is too high, the snow maker can't make snow. Watch the weather forecast at S, and choose to avoid the snow making time in case of snow. 4. After the snow making work is completed, it is necessary to store the snow maker reasonably, carefully transport it, and select a dry warehouse for storage, so as to prepare for the next snow supplement work. The above four points are what we need to pay attention to in the process of snow making, so that the effect of snow making can satisfy ourselves.

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