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  • 公司: 佛山市朋浩月历有限公司
  • 地址: 广东 佛山
  • 联系: 温生
  • 手机: 13531413078
  • 一键开店

我公司拥有印刷先进的日本三菱印刷机、海德堡八开四印刷色、对开双面单色印刷、六开打码机等印刷设备和印前CTP、烤版机、印后全自动装订全套设备,为客户提及时、优质、实惠、满意和服务宗旨,我们严把质量关,印刷品质保证、诚信服务、价格优惠。我们的宗旨:品质决定企业成败,细节决定效益,我们真诚地为您提供满意的服务。我们将以更加灵活的方式,遵循互利互惠、信誉的原则为您服务。本公司专业生产及销售:挂历、月历、福字吊牌、台历、周历、大班台垫、记事本、画册、不干胶等…………品种齐全、价格合理!欢迎新老客来电合作、指导。公司电话: 传真:手机: 温生 黄小姐Our company has advanced Japanese Mitsubishi printing printing machine, Heidelberg open eight four printing color, double color printing, the six start code machine, printing equipment and printing CTP, baked version of machines, printing the full automatic binding a full set of equipment, to provide timely, high-quality, affordable, satisfaction and service tenet, we strictly the quality of printing, quality assurance, sincere service, preferential price. Our aim is: quality is deciding the success or failure of the details of the decision, the benefit, we sincerely provide you with satisfactory service. We will take a more flexible approach, follow the mutual benefit, the credibility of the first principle of service for you.The company specializes in the production and sales: calendar, calendar, desk calendar, calendar, hang tag, desk pads, Notepad, brochures, stickers and so............ Variety complete, the price is reasonable!Welcome the new old customer calls cooperation, guidance.Tel: Fax: Mobile phone: temperature and Miss Huang



  • 主营: 挂历,月历,台历,记事本
  • 地址: 广东 佛山
  • 联系: 温生
  • 手机: 13531413078
  • 本站共被浏览过 2402 次

